

The “AGNIPATH Scheme” is a transformational reform for the Army and the Nation and aims to bring paradigm changes in the Human Resource Management of the Indian Army. The scheme, one of the most significant initiatives, aims to make the Army a future-ready fighting force, capable of meeting multiple challenges, across the full spectrum of conflict. इस योजना को सभी stake holders के साथ विस्तृत विचार-विमर्शऔर चचाश के बाद अंवतम रूप वदया गया है। This effort complements other ongoing initiatives to transform the Indian Army into a modern, technology driven, Atmanirbhar and battle worthy force. Some of the notable benefits of the Scheme from the Indian Army point of view are:-

(a) An enhanced youthful profile of the Army i.e. reduction in average age from 32 to 26 years, to be achieved over a period of time.

(b) Increase in technical threshold of the Army by recruiting Agniveer through ITIs & other Technical Institutes, by harnessing their potential.

(c) The Scheme will attract young talents and motivate educated youth with the right skill sets, to join the Army.

(d) Increased availability of medically and physically fit personnel at the cutting edge level of field units.

(e) Better utilisation of recruit training period, resulting in enhanced availability of soldiers to the field Army.

(f) Maintaining an optimum balance between youth and experience.

(g) A wider recruitment base will provide equal opportunities to youth from all parts of the country, to join the Army.

(h) Screening and selection, based on a sound, transparent, fair and robust assessment system will ensure that the Army retains the “best of the best” for a longer service duration. These personnel will form the core of the organisation.

(j) The Agniveer, leaving after four years, will be empowered with suitable skills and financial means and carry a unique Resume, that will significantly enhance his value and employability in the civil society. The new process will herald a paradigm shift in our recruitment process and will necessitate changes in the way we impart training to our recruits and soldiers, in enhancing their combat potential. मैंसभी को आश्वस्त कराना चाहता हूँ कक recruits के किए िागूminimum physical, medical और professional parameters को सुकनकित करने के किए हमारे द्धारा अपनाए गए मापदंडों पर कोई समझौता नही ं ककया जाएगा।

We will institute a fair, transparent and scientific method in screening the initial intake for four years and apply similar yardsticks to select those who will get re-enrolled. मैंइस बात पर भी जोर देना चाहता हूँकक थि सेना अपनेगौरिर्ाली विरासत, इवतहास, परम्परा, सैवनक मूल्ो ं और संस्कृ वत जो कक Cohesiveness, Camaraderie, Espirit de Corps और ‘नाम, नमक और वनर्ान’ के मूिभूत कसद्धांतों पर आधाररत है, को पूरी तरह बरकरार रखेगी। अकिवीरों को Army में हर तरह से assimilate और integrate ककया जाएगा और वो Units, HQ और अन्य establishments में, operational और non-operational areas में, भारतीय सेना के कवकभन्न अंगों याकन Arms और Services मेंतैनात ककयेजायेंगे। I want to assure you that during the implementation and stabilisation of the AGNIPATH Scheme, Army’s operational capabilities and preparedness, along the borders and the ability to deal with internal security challenges will be fully maintained. We are confident that this change will bring new vigour and confidence in the Indian Army and make it Stronger, more Capable and In Stride with the Future

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