
Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu advises political parties to have code of conduct and media to follow ethical Journalism

The Vice President of India M Venkaiah Naidu has advised Political parties to have a code of conduct and media to follow ethical Journalism. Speaking on the subject ‘Media Role in New India’ at Press Club of Bengaluru today, the Vice President stressed that defection from one party to another is a menace which has to be curtailed by plugging the loopholes in the Anti Defection law. He also pointed out that the Speaker in a legislature and the courts must resolve defection issues in a time bound manner, may be in six months or much earlier.

Saying that the media play an important role in strengthening democracy, the Vice President said that the media should be a mirror of truth and avoid sensationalism. Media, he repeated, must give equal importance to constructive issues as it gives to obstructive and destructive issues. Recalling the role of Journalists during our freedom struggle and during emergency, the Vice President asked them to walk on the path laid down by Journalists then who had set a very high standard of Journalism. Mr. Naidu said, India has the biggest functional democracy and political leaders and media persons must act in the direction of strengthening it. Before addressing the media persons, the Vice President planted a sandalwood sapling in the club premises.

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