International News

US House Speaker Pelosi meets Japanese PM in Tokyo amid heightened tension between America and China

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi met with Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida in Tokyo this morning. The meeting between the two leaders comes amid heightened tensions between China and the US.

Ms Pelosi arrived in Japan on the final leg of her trip to Asia. Ms. Pelosi and a US congressional delegation visited Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, and South Korea earlier this week. She began the key tour from Singapore on Monday after that, she arrived in Taiwan for a less than 24-hour stay, which flared up tensions with China.

Earlier yesterday, Ms Pelosi said that a US congressional delegation traveled to South Korea and visited the Korean Demilitarized Zone that divides North and South Korea. She met with South Korean political leaders in Seoul yesterday. Ms Pelosi said the delegation also visited Seoul and praised what she described as a strong bond between the US and South Korea.

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