
Total grant of over 15,705 crore rupees released to Rural Local bodies so far in 2022-23, says Finance Ministry

The Finance Ministry has released an amount over four thousand one hundred and eighty nine crore rupees to four States for providing grants to the Rural Local Bodies. Of the total amount, over two thousand two hundred and thirty nine crore rupees has been released for Uttar Pradesh, more than 708 crore rupees for Gujarat, over 628 crore rupees for Karnataka, 569 crore rupees for Andhra Pradesh and over 44 crore rupees for Tripura.

The Local Body grants are meant to ensure additional funds to Rural local bodies over and above the funds allocated by the Centre and the State for sanitation and drinking water under the Centrally Sponsored Schemes.

The Ministry said, the 15th Finance Commission had recommended to release Tied grants to Rural Local Bodies on the recommendations of the Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation for making improvements on two critical services. These are Sanitation and maintenance of open-defecation free status, and supply of drinking water, rain water harvesting and water recycling. The Ministry said, total grant of over 15 thousand 705 crore rupees has been released to Rural Local bodies so far in 2022-23.

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