
Svamitva scheme promises financial stability & reduction in land disputes in villages

An epoch making plan- the Svamitva scheme promises rich dividend for the people, especially farmers and can transform rural India by enabling the masses to use their properties as a financial asset for taking loans and other financial benefits. It is also going to transform the way lands are bought and purchased, making the process much easier and almost similar to any financial assets being transacted presently. Providing rural people with the right to document their residential properties, will also reduce the chances of property related disputes and legal cases which are rampant in rural India.

Bringing financial stability in rural India

The Svamitva scheme will also bring financial stability to the people in rural India by enabling them to use their property anytime. Creation of accurate land records for rural planning has also been pending for long, which doesn’t allow the determination of property tax and preparation of better-quality Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP) by making use of GIS maps, which would better civic amenities for the people also. Clearly, the scheme would facilitate monetization of rural residential assets for credit and other financial services.

Giriraj Singh to launch a new functionality

A new functionality being launched on March, 11 by Union Minister for Panchayati Raj and Rural Development Giriraj Singh will help in wider outreach and transparency of the scheme. Now the government is engaging all MPs and MLAs in this process as involvement of elected representatives provides confidence among the masses and also ensures effective implementation of the scheme. Now SMS will be rolled out to MPs and MLAs informing about the commencement of drone flying in their respective Constituency scheduled for survey under the SVAMITVA scheme.

Development of villages would receive a boost

This scheme is truly revolutionizing the total scenario of rural India by bringing real changes, especially in the life of farmers with small land holdings. The SVAMITVA (Survey of villages and mapping with improvised technology in village areas) scheme is also giving an impetus to the development of villages, as it provides record of rights to the individuals against their property. With the use of modern technology this scheme is being carried out to further benefit millions of rural property owners.

Being implemented in a phased manner

The scheme is being implemented across the country in a phased manner over a period of five years starting from 2020 and is expected to cover all villages across the country by 2025. So far drone flying has been saturated in 108 districts across various states and Union Territories with many more on the verge of being completed.

Nationally launched by Narendra Modi

The scheme was nationally launched by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi on National Panchayati Raj Day, 24th April 2021 after successful completion of pilot phase of scheme in nine states. The ‘record of rights’ to village household owners in rural Abadi areas and issuance of Property cards, are tipped to change the way lands are seen and transacted presently. Updation would be in the ‘record-of-rights’ in the revenue/property registers and issuance of property cards will also be made to the property owners.

6.62 lakh villages covered under the scheme

Department of Science & Technology (DST), Ministry of Civil Aviation (MoCA), Survey of India (SoI) and National Informatics Centre (NIC) have also been pushed into action to ensure things are executed smoothly. All around 6.62 lakh villages in the country will be eventually covered under this scheme. Under the scheme, the surveying of land parcels in rural inhabited area using drone technology, is being done.

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