International News

Pakistan’s SC to decide fate of PM Imran Khan; Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists condemn rejection of vote of no-confidence

Pakistan’s supreme court is expected to decide the fate of embattled Prime Minister Imran Khan today, following a day of political turmoil. Mr Khan has faced an attempt to oust him from office in recent days.But members of Mr Khan’s party yesterday blocked a vote of no-confidence in the PM and dissolved parliament. Mr Khan had claimed the vote was part of a US-led conspiracy to remove him, but the US has denied this.

Furious opposition politicians have filed a petition in the Supreme Court to rule on whether the move to block the vote was constitutional. The court is expected to decide by today.

In a related development, Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) and the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) have condemned the rejection of the resolution for vote of no-confidence against Imran Khan, during the session of the National Assembly yesterday.

In a strongly-worded joint statement, the groups rejected the Pakistan Prime Ministers’ advice to President to dissolve the assembly. “In doing so he has violated Article 95 of the Constitution of Pakistan,” the statement said.

They said that the acts of President Arif Alvi, Prime Minister Imran Khan, and Deputy Speaker Qasim Suri amount to subverting the constitution of Pakistan and an attack on democracy by not allowing voting on vote of no confidence and then ordering to dissolve the assemblies. This will push the country towards anarchy and authoritarianism, they added.

PFUJ and UIRCP also appealed to the Supreme Court of Pakistan to declare all these acts of the President, PM and Deputy Speaker as void “Ab Initio.” They said the political system cannot be run on the whims and fancies of individuals. Personal agenda and ego must not be allowed to detract Pakistan from a democratic path, they said.

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