
More than 22 crore Soil Health Cards distributed to farmers across country: Union Minister Narendra Singh Tomar

Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar on Monday inaugurated the National Conference on Soil Health Management for Sustainable Farming. Speaking on this occasion, Mr Tomar said that due to chemical farming and other reasons, soil fertility is getting eroded and climate change is going to be a big concern for the country as well as the world.

He said, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is concerned about climate change and from time to time prepares plans and keeps working on these plans. Prime Minister Modi is committed to achieving Sustainable Development Goals, he added.

Mr Tomar said, the Government is also working through Soil Health Card. In two phases, more than 22 crore Soil Health Cards have been distributed to farmers across the country, he informed.

Infrastructure development is also being done by the Government under the Soil Health Management Scheme, underlined the Minister.

So far, 499 permanent Soil Testing Laboratories, 113 Mobile Soil Testing Laboratories, 8,811 Mini Soil Testing Laboratories, and 2,395 Village-level Soil Testing Laboratories have been established.

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