
Ministry of I&B issues advisory to private channels: Refrain from using scandalous headlines

The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (I&B) on Saturday, April 23 advised private TV news channels against making false claims and using scandalous headlines. The Ministry issued a detailed advisory and called for adherence to the provisions of Section 20 of The Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995 including the Programme Code under it.

The Ministry expressed serious concern over the programmes aired and strongly advised against violation of provisions of The Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995 and the rules under it. The Ministry noted and cautioned private TV channels against broadcasting debates having unparliamentary, provocative and socially unacceptable language, communal remarks and derogatory references. The advisory also expressed concerns regarding the negative psychological impact on viewers and that the programmes may incite communal disharmony and disturb the peace at large.


According to the Ministry, in recent times, it has found several satellite TV channels covering events and incidents in a manner which appear to be unauthentic, misleading, and sensational. Further, they also used socially unacceptable language and remarks, offending good taste and decency, were obscene and defamatory and had communal overtones.

For instance, the advisory cited the Ukraine-Russian conflict and the incidence in North-West Delhi in particular where TV news content and debates were found to be in violation of Programme Code. While in the case of reporting on Ukraine-Russia conflict, the Ministry found channels making scandalous headlines unrelated to the news item and journalists making unsubstantiated and fabricated claims and using hyperbole in order to incite audience.

On the other hand, in case of Delhi violence, certain channels aired news items with provocative headlines and videos of violence that may incite communal hatred among the communities and disrupt peace and law and order. The channels further fabricated headlines giving communal colour to actions of authorities, the Ministry’s release read.

Section 20 of the Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995

Under Section 20(1) of the Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995

(1) Where the Central Government thinks it necessary or expedient so to do in public interest, it may prohibit the operation of any cable television network in such areas as it may, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify in this behalf.

2(2) Where the Central Government thinks it necessary or expedient so to do in the interest of the—

(i) sovereignty or integrity of India; or

(ii) security of India; or

(iii) friendly relations of India with any foreign State; or

(iv) public order, decency or morality, it may, by order, regulate or prohibit the transmission or re-transmission of any channel or programme.

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