
Jitendra Singh unveils dedicated Website to give further boost to Coastal Clean-Up campaign

Union Minister for Earth Sciences, Dr. Jitendra Singh on Sunday unveiled a dedicated Website to give further boost to the ongoing Coastal Clean-Up campaign. The portal will give a push to the cleaning mission. Besides, Dr. Singh also launched the Campaign Logo-Vasuki, dedicated to the youth of the country as they along with the school students are taking keen interest in joining the coastal and beach cleaning activities. Briefing media in New Delhi, the Minister said, the ongoing pan-India Coastal Clean-Up campaign has received an overwhelming response as public figures, film celebrities, students and people from all walks of life are joining it. Dr. Singh added that the Coastal Clean-Up campaign has been designed on the model of whole of government approach and many ministries and departments are taking active part in it.

The Minister also informed that more than 200 ton of garbage, mainly single use plastic, have been removed from the sea coasts during the first 20 days of the ongoing 75-day Coastal Clean-Up campaign. The campaign was launched on 5th of July, 2022. So far more than 52,000 volunteers from 24 States have already registered for the campaign to raise awareness about Swachh Sagar, Surakshit Sagar”, which will culminate on “International Coastal Clean-up Day” on 17th of September.

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