
ISRO launches small rocket from Sriharikota carrying Earth Observation Satellite & AzaadiSAT satellite

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) today launched its the Small Satellite Launch Vehicle SSLV-D1. It was launched from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre at Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh at 9:18 am. The SSLV-D1 rocket carried the Earth Observation Satellite EOS-02 and another small satellite AzaadiSAT, developed by the student team of Space Kidz India. AzaadiSAT’ comprising 75 payloads has been built by 750 young girl students from 75 rural government schools across India. This project has been specially conceptualised for the 75th Independence Day year celebrations to encourage scientific temper and create opportunities for young girls to choose space research as their career.

Speaking after the launch at Sriharikota, ISRO chairman S. Somanath said, the three stages of SSLV – D1 mission was completed. He said, SSLV-D1 performed as expected at all stages. He said that in the terminal phase of the mission, some data loss is occurring and they are analysing the data to conclude the final outcome of the mission with respect to achieving a stable orbit. The three staged SSLV DI is primarily powered by solid fuel and also has a velocity trimming module powered by 0.05 ton of liquid fuel for precise injection of satellites.

The rocket flew to the space amid cloudy skies with rainy drizzles. Those who witnessed the launch clapped their hands and whistled amid the roaring sound of SSLV. The rocket which was 34 metre tall and weighing around 120 ton has maximum luggage carrying capacity of 500 kilogram.

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