
FM Nirmala Sitaraman expresses need to widen the pool of woman directors

Union Finance and Corporate Affairs Minister Nirmala Sitaraman said, like Engineers and Doctors India should provide more and more women for board level and leadership positions to the world. Smt. Sitaraman was addressing Women Director Conclave at Bombay Stock Exchange today. Citing studies, she said, many companies often prefer to appoint same woman as a director on board. To avoid this she expressed need to widen the pool of women directors.

Smt. Sitaraman said, special efforts should be done by companies to take women on board. Many studies have shown that companies having diverse boards are earning more profits. That is one more reason, Boards have to rethink on roles given to women. She said, a woman director on board provides idea balance besides gender balance. It also provides inclusivity and gender parity.

While addressing a question from an audience on pay parity, she said, disparity is unacceptable between payments given to men and women performing same work.

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