DoT to undertake demand studies for direct assignments of spectrum to Enterprises setting up CNPN

Department of Telecommunication (DoT) will undertake demand studies for direct assignments of spectrum to Enterprises setting up Captive Non-Public Networks (CNPN). Enterprises having net-worth over 100 crore rupees and willing to set up CNPNs by obtaining spectrum directly from DoT are invited to participate in this exercise.
DoT has now launched a module on Saralsanchar portal for carrying out the demand studies. The portal may be accessed at:
CNPNs by obtaining spectrum directly from DoT are invited to participate in this exercise. The details can be submitted on the portal starting today till September 9 this year.
Captive Non-Public Network can play a key role in developing industries by providing secure, ultra-reliable, low latency and high throughput communication using advanced technologies. Government had earlier issued the Guidelines for CNPN license on 27th June this year, aimed at establishing the legal framework for CNPNs.
The guidelines provide that the enterprises seeking to establish CNPN may obtain spectrum on lease from Telecom Service Providers or directly from DoT. These guidelines also provide that Department of Telecommunications (DoT) will undertake demand studies for direct assignments of spectrum to Enterprises setting up CNPNs.