Jammu and KashmirNational

Admin directs IT department to explore new mobile apps for biometric attendance

In order to bring accountability at educational institutions of far-flung areas, authorities have directed the Department of Information and Technology to explore usage of suitable mobile applications for the purpose of marking biometric attendance.

In a Committee of Secretaries meeting, Chief Secretary of Jammu and Kashmir Arun Kumar Mehta said many schools in Jammu and Kashmir were left-out without marking the biometric attendance.

“It was observed that biometric attendance is not yet being done in all schools and colleges,” Mehta said.

Accordingly, the officers of the Information Technology Department in the meeting were asked to ‘explore usage of suitable mobile applications for the purpose of marking biometric attendance at educational institutions of far-flung areas, besides fetching the attendance data at a central location for monitoring and further analysis.’

In the meantime, the Jammu and Kashmir School Education Department was asked to submit a detailed note on the locations of schools without mobile or internet coverage, for uptake under the Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) technology.

Director of School Education Kashmir, Tassaduq Hussain Mir did not answer the repeated calls from Rising Kashmir.

The government earlier in 2021 had said that staff of the Jammu and Kashmir School Education Department were not complying with its orders to mark their attendance on their arrival and departure via Bio-metric Face Recognition System (FRC).

In this regard, a circular was issued by the government. “It has been observed that the staff attached, deployed in the School Education Department, Civil Secretariat, Jammu and Srinagar are not marking their daily attendance through Bio-metric Face Recognition System,” it reads.

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