International News

Myanmar: UN Security Council condemns attack killing dozens

The members of the United Nations Security Council condemned the reported killing of at least 35 people including 4 children and two staff members of the Save the Children in Kayah state of Myanmar on Dec. 24. The statement issued by the Security Council on Wednesday stressed the need to ensure accountability for this act.

The UNSC members called for immediate halting of all violence and emphasised the importance of respect for human rights and ensuring safety of civilians. They stressed the need for safe and unimpeded humanitarian access to all people in need, and for the full protection, safety and security of humanitarian and medical personnel.

The members of the Security Council reaffirmed their support for the people of Myanmar and the country’s democratic transition. They expressed their strong commitment to the sovereignty, political independence, territorial integrity and unity of Myanmar.

Earlier in the week, UNICEF also condemned the attack saying it was shocked and saddened by the reported killing and burning of victims.

The state run media of Myanmar had reported that soldiers had fired and killed an unspecifed number of ‘terrorists with weapons’ in the village in Kayah state.

Some opponents of the military government have linked up with the armed ethnic groups in Myanmar who have been fighting the government in various parts of Myanmar, including the Kayah state in the east, reports Reuters.

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