
Indian Army sets up Quantum Laboratory; a push for Research & Training

In the coming years, Indian Army Forces are poised for major modernization. The focus remains on the capacity-building process that proceeds along a well-crafted path. Hence, with the view of emerging technologies, the Indian Army is making steady, yet significant strides when it comes to technology domains. With the due support from the National Security Council Secretariat (NSCS), the Army has established the Quantum Lab at Military College of Telecommunication Engineering, Mhow (MP) MCTE to lead research and training in this key developing field. Chief of the Army Staff, General MM Naravane was briefed on the facility during his recent visit to Mhow, Madhya Pradesh.

It is evident that the future lies in technology and Artificial Intelligence is leading the science of the future, globally. An initiative has been taken by the Indian Army in this respect by establishing an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Centre at the same institution with over 140 deployments in the forward areas with the active support of industry and academia.

Cyber Warfare is also an important issue on which work and development are taking place. In this regard, training has been imparted through a state of art cyber range, and cyber security labs. Last year in October, ideation for Army’s involvement in Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations was done in a seminar on Electromagnetic Spectrum and National Security and since then, an impetus has been given to the Indian Army’s Technology Institutions for investing in AI, Quantum and Cyber.

Capabilities Envisaged & Reaping the Benefits:

Surpassing the Super-power computers, the most powerful computing that works on the principles of quantum mechanics will benefit the Indian Armed Forces in various spheres. The research undertaken by the Indian Army in the field of Quantum Technology will help leapfrog into next-generation communication and transform the current system of cryptography in the Indian Armed Forces to Post Quantum Cryptography (PQC). The key thrust areas consist of:

– Quantum Key Distribution,
– Quantum Communication,
– Quantum Computing,
– Post-Quantum Cryptography

With this initiative on the table, it will set an apt example of Civil-Military fusion with Self-Reliant India as a key driving factor. The initiatives have incorporated Academia (such as IITs) DRDO organizations, Research Institutes, Corporate firms, Startups, and Industry players for fielding progressive solutions.

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