Fitness & Personal HealthFood

Diet Or Exercise what play an important Role?

Balancing Diet and Nutrition

It is everyone’s priority to stay fit & healthy now-a-days but those sudden little cravings during not so cool crash diets just turn the tables off by spoiling everything. At the end, pushing the one to hog more on unhealthy or junk food. Though  We can’t control everything, but can built up habits to have a healthy approach satisfying those sudden cravings.

Diet & Exercise play a vital role in staying healthy. In order to lose weight one has to follow the 70/30 rule to loose weight in a healthy way & then maintain it where 70% stands for nutrition and the rest 30% is for exercise. Creating a caloric deficit and speeding up of metabolism through exercise, can help to have a successful & healthy weight loss journey. Though the weightage of diet is more but one has to be consistent with exercise as well to speed up metabolism in order to loose those extra pounds.

At the beginning one should aim at least 20-30 min of workout everyday including cardio or a few Higher intensity exercises along with some weight training in order to avoid muscle loss. Loosing, Maintaining or Gaining weight depends on several factors such as age height, weight, gender, type & duration of workout one perform in a week etc. There are Calorie calculators available online in order to tell how much calories we have to consume roughly in a day in order to loose, gain or maintain which can be easily calculated by various calorie calculator available online.

Though Diet/Nutrition varies for every person but one should must include fruits & vegetables, protein, whole grains, nuts & legumes. Try to avoid sweets over salty and oily foods.

For Example : If you have parathas daily in breakfast replace it with once or twice a week, have other nutritious foods like sweet or salty vermicelli, Oats, Poha, Upma, Sandwich, Whole Wheat Dalia or eggs/non veg as per your preference. Of course it should be cooked in less oil. Try having normal Pulses chapatti & home cooked vegetable for lunch. Replace your sugar with jiggery. Have at least two spoons of ghee(healthy fats) in a day. Lastly Consume loads of water to see the difference.

Follow all these for a month as per 70/30 rule at least and you will yourself notice the changes by adapting minor change in your daily routine.

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