
939 Police personnel awarded medals on occasion of Republic Day

On the occasion of the 73rd Republic Day, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has awarded gallantry and service medals to a total of 939 police personnel.

Out of 939 awards delivered on the occasion of Republic Day 2022, 189 personnel have received Police Medal for Gallantry (PMG), 88 President’s Police Medal for Distinguished Service (PPM) and 662 Police Medal for Meritorious Service (PM).

From amongst 189 Gallantry Awards, 134 personnel were awarded for their gallant action in the Jammu and Kashmir region. 47 personnel for their gallant action in Left Wing Extremism affected areas and 1 personnel for their gallant action in North Eastern Region.

The personnel who received the Gallantry Award include 115 from J&K Police, 30 from CRPF, 2 from ITBP, 2 from BSF, 3 from SSB, 10 from Chhattisgarh Police, 9 from Odisha Police, and 7 from Maharashtra Police, and the rest from the other States/UTs.

President’s Police Medal for Gallantry

The President’s Police Medal for Gallantry is awarded for “gallantry in saving life and property, or in preventing crime, or in arresting criminals”. The medal can be awarded to any member of the Police Service in India and is awarded regardless of rank or time in service. Medal recipients are given a monthly stipend that is paid to them even after retirement, and on the death of the recipient, it is paid to their surviving spouse.

President’s Police Medal for Distinguished Service

The President’s Police Medal for Distinguished Service is awarded for long and distinguished service to persons who have served in the Police Service or Central Police and Security Organizations for at least 21 years. Individuals must be prior recipients of the Police Medal for Meritorious Service and must have held that medal for at least six years.

Police Medal for Meritorious Service

Police Medal for Meritorious Serice is awarded to personnel with a minimum of 18 years in service regardless of their rank and time in service. Although for the recommendations States/UTs/CAPFs/CPOs are advised to prioritise the seniority. A group ‘A’ officer can be sponsored for the medal, not more than 3 times.

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