
21st century is technology-driven, technology will play key role in transforming India, says PM; Launches blockchain-based digital degrees at convocation ceremony of IIT Kanpur

Prime Minister Narendra Modi today appealed to the students and youth of the country to see dreams, turn them into resolutions and achieve them to make Aatmanirbhar Bharat which is a permanent solution of many problems which the country is facing. He was speaking at the 54th Convocation Ceremony of Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur.

Addressing the gathering of the students of the country’s premier technical institute Prime Minister said that the country has full faith in the capabilities of the students and the faculty of IIT and is ready to help them in every possible manner.

Talking about the phenomenal growth of the country in the field of start-ups and unicorn companies, the Prime Minister said that many of them are started by students of IITs.

He said that in last seven years his government took many steps to achieve the goal of Aatmanirbhar Bharat and students of IIT can play important role in it. He advised students to not to neglect the emotional aspects of their life while they focus on their innovations and technical initiatives.

During the convocation, Prime Minister launched the blockchain-based digital degrees and all the students were issued digital degrees through an in-house blockchain-driven technology developed at the Institute under the National Blockchain Project.

These digital degrees can be verified globally and are unforgeable. On the occasion, a total of 1,723 students received their degrees and 80 prizes and medals were given.

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